About the Board

Board of Director terms are 3 years. Open positions are filled by election each year at the Annual Meeting of Members. Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, &Secretary) of the Association are elected annually by the Board of Directors.  Each officer term is 1 year.  The Board of Directors elects officer positions at the first  meeting after the Annual Meeting of Members.

Board of Directors Code of Ethics

The Peach Creek Plantation (PCP) Property Owners Association (POA) Board of Directors (Board) has established the following Code of Ethics for its directors, officers and committee members (Representatives) to ensure a high standard of ethical conduct in the performance of POA business and to ensure that the property owners (Owners) maintain confidence in and respect for the POA.

PCP POA Representatives should: 

  • Strive at all times to act in good faith to serve the best interests of the POA as a whole regardless of their personal interests. 
  • Use sound judgment to make the best possible business decisions for the POA, taking into consideration all available information, circumstances and resources. 
  • Act within the boundaries of their authority as defined by law and the governing documents of the POA. 
  • Provide reasonable opportunities for Owners to comment on issues under consideration by the Board. 
  • Perform their duties without bias for or against any individual or group of Owners or residents. 
  • Disclose personal or professional relationships with any company or individual who has or is seeking to have a business relationship with the POA. 
  • Conduct open and fair elections conducted in compliance with the POA Bylaws. 
  • Support all duly-adopted Board decisions even if the board member was in the minority regarding actions that may not have obtained unanimous consent. 

PCP POA Representatives should not: 

  • Use their positions or decision-making authority for personal gain or to seek advantage over another Owner or resident. 
  • Divulge personal information about any Owner or resident that was obtained in the performance of Board duties. 
  • Reveal confidential information provided by contractors or share information with those bidding for POA contracts unless specifically authorized by the Board. 
  • Make unauthorized promises to a contractor or bidder. 
  • Advocate or support any action or activity that violates a law or regulatory requirement. 
  • Spend unauthorized POA funds for their own personal use or benefit. 
  • Accept any gifts—directly or indirectly—from Owners, contractors or suppliers. 
  • Misrepresent facts in any issue involving POA business. 
  • Make personal attacks on colleagues, Owners or residents. 
  • Attempt to control or coerce the actions of any Board member, Owner or resident. 
  • Reveal to any Owner, resident or other third party the discussions, decisions and comments made at any meeting of the Board held in executive session.

Board Meeting Rules of Order

  1. Board Meetings are open to all property owners. Notice of meetings will be done in accordance with Texas Property Code and the governing documents of the Association.  Date, time and place will be posted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting on the Association's TownSq app.  Notice is also regularly placed in a conspicuous location at the front entrance on North Duck Creek, and at the Peach Creek Estates entrance.

  2. Owners Forum – Immediately preceding each meeting, any property owner may briefly address the Board by signing the Request to Comment Sign-in Sheet prior to that Board Meeting. Each owner will be allowed up to 5 minutes to comment, with a maximum of 30 minutes dedicated to the Owner Forum. At the conclusion of the Owners Forum, owners are welcome to attend the Board meeting (except for the Executive Session), but not to participate in the Board’s discussion unless specifically invited to do so by the Board.

  3. Owners must be on the meeting agenda in order to address the Board during a meeting. Members are encouraged to speak freely and openly during their time for addressing the Board at a meeting or Owners Forum.

  4. Executive Session – If called, will consider actions involving personnel, pending litigation, negotiations, enforcement actions, matters involving invasion of privacy of individual Owners, or matters that are to remain confidential by request of the affected parties and agreement of the Board.

  5. Property owners are asked to respect the privacy of Board Members and address all issues to the Board via the Association's manager or during the Owners Forum at a Board Meeting.

  6. Conduct: Members will refrain from personal attacks, profanity or aggressive behavior. Anyone exhibiting inappropriate conduct will be asked to leave.